One ball of dust can contain upwards to 250,000 dust mites

Dust Mites live in carpet & upholstery
Dust mite allergens can affect us all. They can be harmful to the young, old, infirm, and everyone in-between. Major universities, health organizations, and the EPA warn us against the harmful effects of exposure to dust mites, and their allergens. Dust mites have a significant role in many asthma cases, and are a factor in hay fever and various other allergic ailments. Most people in homes across America and the world share their environment with common house dust mites. They are microscopic Arachnids, and members of the same family as spiders and ticks. Dust mites main diet consists of human skin that we all slough off naturally every day.
Dust mites live in our carpets, clothes, furniture and bedding. Most homes have literally millions of these creatures, both alive and dead. So it's not surprising that most household dust consists largely of human skin, living and dead dust mites, old dust mite skins, and dust mite feces.
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