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Steam Cleaning Health Benefits

Carpet Filters Indoor Air

Carpeting is beautiful and beneficial, but it also collects pollutants very effectively. This unhealthy material enters our homes in the air or clings to our clothing, fur, or feet. It settles into our carpets and onto upholstered surfaces just like a furnace filter collects dust and airborne particles. Once saturated, our furnishings start "spilling" contaminants back into our indoor environment. The fact that our homes today are tightly closed, highly insulated environments adds to the problem and we end up thoroughly exposed to unhealthy contaminants.

Every Home Is Filled With Them

The indoor air is chocked full of harmful pollutants, 200% to 500% higher than outdoors! Dust-mites thrive in this filth deep down in the carpet. It is invisible to the eye but very visible to the arteries and lungs. Every time someone moves across the carpet they stir up these pollutants into the air, and can stay there for an hour or more. The average active home will always have these particles in the air, which is especially harmful to people with asthma and allergies, but not good for anyone, allergies or not!

Affect Everyone

Dust mite allergens can affect us all. They can be harmful to the young, old, infirm, and everyone in-between. Major universities, health organizations, and the EPA warn us against the harmful effects of exposure to dust mites, and their allergens. Dust mites have a significant role in many asthma cases, and are a factor in hay fever and various other allergic ailments.

Is Present In Every Home

Molds are always present in the air and typically grow and flourish in damp, warm, poorly lighted areas, or where air circulation is poor. This is why using the proper professional grade steam cleaning equipment is extremely important when cleaning your carpet or upholstery. Rental machines, home units, & steam cleaning services that buy small truck mount equipment just big enough to get by can very damaging to carpet and cause mold growth.

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